Best way to get from Ayia Napa to Limassol
We know only too well that everyone has their own preferences when travelling, and reserve the right to decide what works for them. Ultimately, it is impossible to pinpoint the objectively “best” way to get from Ayia Napa to Limassol, but this article is going to try to help you decide which option works best for you. Whether you’re a budget traveller or someone who appreciates luxury, this guide has it all. We’ll look at a range of options from buses to taxis to private transfers, so get ready to make your next journey to Ay.Napa as easy and enjoyable as possible!
Oh my, Limassol and Ayia Napa… Two of the most vibrant and exciting locations in Cyprus, visited by countless tourists every year. Limassol is known for its numerous dining hotspots and exciting old town – the parties here often extend into the wee hours, and you are bound to have a great time! If you aren’t much of a party animal, there are also plenty of historical sites to explore, like the ancient ruins at Kourion and Kolossi Castle. Also, foodies must check out the traditional Greek delicacies crafted by the city’s top chefs.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Ay.Napa is an ideal spot for beach-lovers, thrill-seekers and club-goers. Here, you can explore sparkling blue waters and golden sandy beaches, followed by a visit to the city’s many bars, pubs and clubs. There are also plenty of water sports and activities, from sailing and jet-skiing to diving and scuba-diving.
On the drive from Ayia Napa to Limassol, or vice versa, you’ll follow the island’s main motorway, and be able to see the country’s amazing landscape. Travellers can admire the beauty of the rolling hills and lush green pine forests, and even stop off at picturesque villages along the way, if they feel so inclined.