Getting from Copenhagen Airport to Lund

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Best Way to Get from Copenhagen Airport to Lund

Are you looking to get between Denmark, via the airport in Copenhagen, and Lund in Sweden and wondering which is the best method to get there? You have the option of taking the train, the bus, renting a car, or booking a dependable private transfer with AtoB. We provide the most pleasant way to travel between the two cities, in luxurious cars that can all be customised to match your specific travel needs.

Getting from Copenhagen Airport to LundLund Cathedral / Fot. Kallekn / (CC BY-SA 3.0)

How to book your transfer

Booking your transfers with AtoB is simple. In just a few clicks, you ensure safe and reliable transportation, anywhere.

Book your Transfer

Book your Transfer

Get Confirmation

Receive Confirmation

Receive Driver's Info

Contact your Driver

Sit and Enjoy the Ride!

Sit and Enjoy the Ride!

Meet your Driver at the Airport

Meet your Driver at the Airport

Enjoy your Flight 😊

Enjoy your Flight

Is there a Train from Copenhagen Airport to Lund?

There are a few trains that operate this route, all of which first go through Malmo, then on to Lund. Tickets cost around 25 euros, and can only be purchased via kiosks, as the trip is international.

After arriving at this airport, head to the train station and check the departure board for the next train to Lund. It will most likely be an RE train, yet this could change depending on the day.

In total travel time is just 53 minutes, and there are some trains with 0 stops, others that can have up to 6 stops.

Sit back and enjoy the scene route over the bridge and through the Swedish landscape.

Getting from Copenhagen Airport to LundFot. Kevin.B / (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Getting a Bus from Copenhagen Airport to Lund

The popular budget-bus provider Flix offers the route between Copenhagen Airport and Malmo, from where one can catch an additional bus to Lund. The price for the Flix bus ranges from 17 to 25 euros, with buses that leave at multiple points of the day, making it an efficient means of transportation. You can choose to take the bus either from the city centre, or even from the airport. The price of a ticket from the airport in Copenhagen is slightly cheaper, at just 11 euros.

After locating your bus at the station, sit back and relax for the ride across the river into Malmö.

When you reach Malmo, you will need to catch an additional bus, namely the 300 bus to take you to Lund. You can buy your tickets, which will cost around 5 euros, from the kiosks at the station.

Getting from Copenhagen Airport to LundFot.Kevin.B / (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Distance from Lund to Copenhagen Airport

The distance between these two destinations is around 50 kilometres by car. As the crow flies, there is a total distance of 35.2 kilometres.

How Much is a Taxi from Copenhagen Airport to Lund

Vehicle Class Passengers Luggage Price
Economy 4 3 €149.00
Business 3 2 €210.00
First Class 3 2 €300.00
Economy Van 6 6 €189.00
Business Van 7 6 €265.00
Economy Van+ 7 6 €195.00

Booking a Transfer from Copenhagen Airport to Lund

To book your one-of-a-kind Copenhagen airport ride to Lund through AtoB’s booking platform, simply visit our website and provide your arrival date and time, as well as your destination. In this scenario, you will enter Copenhagen airport as your starting point and your Lund address as your destination. Remember that we provide a door-to-door service, which means you may provide your specific address and your driver will take you there.

After moving on to the next page, you may choose from a wide choice of vehicles before customising it to match your trip needs. If you are going with children, we recommend that you include kid seats, since this not only ensures that they travel safely and comfortably, but it also ensures that your journey is not cancelled in certain countries.

After you’ve customised your ride, proceed to our secure payment gateway and select your preferred payment method. Following successful payment, you will receive two (2) emails, the first of which will confirm your booking and the second of which will give your driver’s contact details and will arrive 24 hours before your trip.

Getting from Copenhagen Airport to Lund