How to get to Hua Hin from Bangkok Airport by bus?
Taking the bus from Bangkok airport to Hua Hin is one of the cheapest transport options you can find. The company that operates the buses is called Roong Reuang and the bus that serves that route is VIP 24 buses.
The ride from Bangkok airport to Hua Hin is not direct and it takes around 4 hours to reach the resort. More specific, the VIP 24 buses reach New Hua Hin station, from there you will need another transfer option to take you to your hotel.
It is the cheapest transport option as the Bangkok to Hua Hin bus fare costs only 8 euros. It is recommended you book your ride in advance as on weekends and Thai holidays the buses are crowded.There is a possibility you might not get a ticket and have to wait for the next bus to arrive. Buses come every hour at Bangkok airport so you should check the timetable to see if it suits your flight arrival time.
You can find the bus route from Bangkok airport to Hua Hin from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. If your flight comes later than this you should arrange different means of transport to reach your destination.
Your bus voucher must first be printed out at the Pattaya/Hua Hin check-in counter on level 1, gate 8 of the arrival hall at the Bangkok airport. Your receipt must be presented at the ticket counter to obtain your bus ticket. This voucher serves as your proof of payment. At the Hua Hin bus station, which you will reach after leaving, is the VIP 24 bus.
Keep in mind that every person can take onboard one free luggage up to 20 kg and for any other luggage you might have, you will be charged depending on the weight. Less than 20 kg will incur a 0,50 euro fee, between 21 and 30 kg a 1,33 euro fee, and between 31 and 50 kg a 2,67 euro fee.